New Functions in CUBE PA v2.12
A bunch of new functions will be released in the brand new and stable version 2.12.
- Document upload in many modules (in earlier version it was just a link). The documents will be uploaded in the document module and can be handled like all other doucments
- Checklist: For meetings and reservation checklists can be linked. Checklists contain items and each item has a status and comment funtion. In meetings the checklist item turn to green, if all items have reach the final status
- Address list: With Inline editing address can be updated in overview. with doubleclick the entry will open for the change, doubleclick again save the entry.
- new filter function for email column
- Document: for repro and sending attachment per email, you can choose between sending as an attachement or as a secure link. The receiver of the email need no CUBE account for download the documents.
- GUI-mode for design workflows in different modules. In configuration you can design your own workflow by drag and drop. For every step add roles and add colors for each status as well